Submission mdeberta-v3-base (Microsoft) finetune

Feb. 8, 2023, 7:40 a.m.

Team: SberDevices

Model url:

Total score: 0.651

Dataset Score Metric
LiDiRus 0.332 Matthew`s Corr
RCB 0.27 / 0.489 F1/Acc
PARus 0.716 Accuracy
MuSeRC 0.825 / 0.531 F1a/Em
TERRa 0.783 Accuracy
RUSSE 0.727 Accuracy
RWSD 0.669 Accuracy
DaNetQA 0.708 Accuracy
RuCoS 0.87 / 0.868 F1/EM
Model description:

The underlying model (contains 280M parameters) was pre-trained by Microsoft on the CC100 multi-lingual dataset (Russian included). We further fine-tune the pre-trained model separately for each RussianSuperGLUE task. For LiDiRus we start with TERRa-finetuned model. For RWSD we use the majority class baseline. For each task we submit best-performing checkpoint (saving each epoch) based on validation metrics.

Parameter description:

Hyper-parameters for fine-tuning mdeberta-v3-base: batch size {8, 32}, epochs {20, 30}, lr {1e-05, 2e-05}, lr scheduler {constant, linear}, warmup ratio {0.02, 0.05, 0.1}, weight decay {0, 0.01, 0.1}.

Diagnostic (Matthew`s Correlation): 0.332

Category Score
LOGIC 0.2206319540246672
KNOWLEDGE 0.20929073547071417
LEXICAL SEMANTICS 0.44224979487700394
Lexical Semantics - Lexical Entailment 0.5388317294065962
Lexical Semantics - Morphological Negation 0.0
Lexical Semantics - Factivity 0.13725490196078433
Lexical Semantics - Symmetry/Collectivity 0.4195731958391368
Lexical Semantics - Redundancy 0.4728662437434604
Lexical Semantics - Named Entities 0.22360679774997896
Lexical Semantics - Quantifiers 0.47387910220727386
Predicate-Argument Structure Core Args 0.5111111111111111
Predicate-Argument Structure Prepositional Phrases 0.33061696660711537
Predicate-Argument Structure Ellipsis/Implicits 0.4714045207910317
Predicate-Argument Structure Anaphora/Coreference -0.07425514638437677
Predicate-Argument Structure Active/Passive 0.3059179896521843
Predicate-Argument Structure Nominalization 0.4687501237868722
Predicate-Argument Structure Genitives/Partitives 0.5773502691896257
Predicate-Argument Structure Datives 0.5238095238095238
Predicate-Argument Structure Relative Clauses 0.15555555555555556
Predicate-Argument Structure Coordination Scopes 0.20675476728754563
Predicate-Argument Structure Intersectivity 0.14159846508095775
Predicate-Argument Structure Restrictivity 0.055227791305300936
Logic Negation 0.11177050727031347
Logic Double Negation -0.10050378152592121
Logic Interval/Numbers -0.033731512431528755
Logic Conjuction 0.3892494720807615
Logic Disjunction 0.053838190205816545
Logic Conditionals 0.34470668367478197
Logic Universal 0.5324675324675324
Logic Existential 0.5604395604395604
Logic Temporal 0.0657951694959769
Logic Upward Monotone 0.43157894736842106
Logic Downward Monotone 0.12584555642690842
Logic Non-Monotonic 0.1286978904175574
Knowledge Common Sense 0.23847518304648244
Knowledge World Knowledge 0.15899536317006538


Dataset Speed RAM
LiDiRus - -
RCB - -
PARus - -
MuSeRC - -
TERRa - -
RWSD - -
DaNetQA - -
RuCoS - -